Feeling, it sometimes seems so simple, yet many of us lack the skill to make deep contact with ourselves.

Whether you have difficulty feeling and expressing your feelings or are too sensitive, this workshop offers tools to do it differently. This workshop is for anyone looking for more self-confidence, balance and meaning in life. Stop being guided by your rational brain, but dare to listen to your intuition and your feelings. Under the guidance of an experienced guide, you will travel to your inner world. During this convincing day, you will learn to open your senses, explore your breath and your body. You will discover how to get in touch with your emotions and needs.

By slowing down, going into your body and using all your senses, you will discover how you can increasingly allow and explore your feelings. With the help of tantra and taoist inspired and body-oriented exercises, you will learn to respect your boundaries and needs. You will get to know your inner world in a profound way, but above all we will feel. Feel a lot.

The more you dare to feel honestly and get to know your inner landscape, the more choices you will make that really suit you. By showing more and more of yourself and feeling and respecting your boundaries, you learn to trust yourself, to feel safe with yourself and to take steps towards an authentic life.

Invest in yourself and sign up for this transformative workshop today. For only €75

Duration: 10:00 – 17:00